It's important for me to show that First Nations peoples, are still alive creatively and relevant in the modern world. This Blog showcases some of the work I created for Zombie Studios, shipping 4 titles: SAW the Video Game, SAW II: Flesh & Blood,
Blacklight Tango Down, and Blacklight Retribution. I hope you enjoy, as much as I did creating it.

Aug 21, 2012

SAW 2: Flesh & Blood Promo Concept

SAW2 F&B Promo Banner/ box art Mockup

E3 banner mock-up for Konami, using the signature puzzle piece from SAW
Attempted a minimalist approach, similar to the Saw posters/dvd covers
Hand-painted in CS3, Cintiq, over pic of some heart tissue.
Main SAW 2 title text by Duncan Kay, UI lead at Zombie.
E3 banner mock-up, PG version. 
Focusing on the signature spiral seen on the Billy puppet's face.
Ultimately they went another direction, focusing on the John Kramer model
subtitle text changed to something closer to main text
CS3, Cintq

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